To apply for PETaL EMJMD, we ask you to prepare all your documents in PDF. Please remember that all merits must be officially acredited in English (and translated into English when necessary) to be considered. Scholarship holders must state that they will not be doubly funded for the same period. You must submit a declaration on oath. You can find the link to the application below this section.
We strongly recommend you to read carefully all the information about PETaL EMJMD 2020-2022 Cohort published at the Official Announcements section of this website.
Register as a new user with a login and your personal password. Then you will receive an automatic confirmation email to access the application. Once your user is confirmed, you can start the process.
Create application form
Complete all your personal data and click on “Save”. Then you will access the main form of the application.
Application Form
You will need to fill in your data for the following three sections:
English Level
You need to upload your official certificate of English level if you are not a native speaker of English. In this case, the selection committee will contact to you to appoint an interview to verify the level.
Academic Information
Fill in all the information required.
In order to unify the grades of the different international academic systems it is necessary to state the minimum grade to obtain the degree as well as the maximum obtainable. With this information we can apply the Thales' Theorem of similar triangles to convert your grade into an international comparable score. The equation is: NewGrade = NewMin + (OriginalGrade - OldMin) * (NewMax - NewMin) / (OldMax - OldMin).
You need to upload two documents: (i) Your official diploma - officially translated into English when necessary - with your transcript of records. (ii) The official document that states the range of the maximun and the minimum grades in your country.
You need to upload two documents: (i) Your Curriculum Vitae in the Europass Format; and (ii) A motivation letter where you explain why you want to do this Master's Degree.
Link to the Europass Online Editor for your Curriculum Vitae.
Please do not forget to save your data. When all your data are complete the status will change from “draft” to “complete” meaning that you can submit the form now. Please do not forget to click on “submit” and check that you receive a confirmation email.
Once the selection process is completed, all the candidates will receive an official email notifying the selection for a scholarship or not.